Global Issues & Citizenship
Raising awareness of Global Issues and Citizenship at Ballymena Academy

Ballymena Academy is a ‘Fair Aware’ school and recently a group of pupils from Years 8, 9 and 11 got together to learn a bit more about Fair Trade.
They decided that the best way to raise awareness of Fair Trade across the school was in assembly and by holding a ‘Divine Chocolate Tuck Shop’ at breaktime on the last Friday of Fair Trade Fortnight.
Pupils overcame their nerves and effectively presented in main assembly, telling the story of Rosine, a farmer from Ghana whose life has changed since she joined a Fair Trade cooperative to sell her cocoa beans.
We’ll never know if it was social conscience or just the appeal of a bar of tasty Divine Fair Trade chocolate, but stock sold out in a record 7 minutes leaving a number of pupils and staff disappointed to have missed out.
Watch this space though as the pupils are keen to hold another tuck shop next term.