4C UR Future

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s Manufacturing Task Force invited four local schools to take part in this exciting Career and Interactive Engineering Technology and Science event, which was taking place as part of Enterprise Fortnight.
There were three strands to the day’s activities:
The first was a career experience fair, showcasing local businesses- this provided pupils with an opportunity to physically experience careers in areas including drone cameras, virtual welding, green racing cars and a full scale bus.
The second of the activities was an interactive workshop run by Sentinus, which brought the STEM subjects to life. The pupils planned and completed a building task requiring them to work as part of a team to build a supporting structure which was as tall as possible and able to bear weight.
The day finished off with a tour of the NRC facilities and talks with local engineering companies including Wrightbus, Caterpillar, GES, Welding, Terex/McAuley, CNC Robotics to name but a few.
In addition, throughout the day our pupils experienced case study videos featuring some young people employed in local companies and now the pupils have an opportunity to enter a competition to win a place at the prestigious Dr Brian Cox Science Summer School in London in 2019.
A good day was had by all. A big thanks to the Mid and East Antrim Manufacturing Task Force team, local companies, Sentinus and the staff at NRC for organising the event.