GCSE results distribution has been a very happy occasion at Ballymena Academy where the results achieved by the young people have lived up to the outstanding ‘A’ level results of last week. With much uncertainty surrounding the publication of the results, given changes to the grading system and to course content, the school was delighted to report on a significant increase in the percentage of examinations resulting in both A*-A grades and A*-C grades. As at ‘A’ Level, the percentage of examinations sat resulting in A*/A grades is approximately 20% above the N.I. Grammar School average.
Stephen Black, Principal of Ballymena Academy, congratulated the young people on their achievements. He said that the results data is very pleasing because of what it means at an individual level to those who have waited all summer to hear how they fared.
“It is a great privilege to be able to pay tribute to our pupils, individually and collectively, not just for their excellent grades but also for the time which they have invested in their education to date. These impressive results are a testament to the ability and commitment of our pupils, the dedication of our teaching staff and the support of parents. It is important to mention the good working relationships that are such an important feature of the life and work of this school. Such results would not have been obtained without the professional approach and commitment shown by our staff and the consistent encouragement of parents as we all work together to ensure high levels of success for our young people.”
“In addition to the terrific individual performances highlighted below, which identify almost half of the year group as attaining 7 or more A*/A grades in their GCSE full courses, there are also a significant number of high achievers not named here because of pressure of space, who should be commended and can look forward to Sixth Form with confidence.”
“In our School Inspection last year, the ETI reported very favourably on the levels of attainment at GCSE obtained by our pupils and young people have surpassed these notable outcomes, with an increased percentage of pupils achieving 5 A* – C and 7 A* – C grades (including English and Mathematics). These GCSE outcomes sustain the school’s well-deserved reputation, locally and nationally, for enabling pupils to achieve very high standards, in and out of the classroom and examination hall.”
“It is especially pleasing that, in 27 individual subjects, the percentage of grades achieved at A* – C exceeded N.I. Grammar School averages, indicating excellent performances across the curriculum.
“This set of results also confirms that our young people are well-positioned to take advantage of the opportunities that the future will bring. For the overwhelming majority that means entry to the Ballymena Academy Sixth Form whilst others will prefer a different route; regardless of their choice, we extend our best wishes to all.”
High Achievers
Five young people achieved 9 A* grades – James Craig, Rachel Gillan, Rachel McCartney, Erin McCurdy and Hannah Reid.
35 pupils achieved a minimum of 9 A*/A grades – Katie Alexander, Cameron Bailes, Tim Bailie, Holly Boyd, Patrick Browne, Richard Carson, Ashleigh Church, Jonathan Cochrane, Jackson Darragh, Naomi Dickey, Molly Drennan, Grace Francey, Matthew French, Megan Gordon, David Heaney, Oliver Hunt, Ellen Lackermeier, Robert Mark, Sarah McBride, Anna McCaig, Jonathan McCullough, Joshua McIlhagga, Beth McIlrath, Kathy McIlveen, Lucy McKane, Hannah McKibbin, Abbie Millar, Grace Moore, Zara Mulholland, Eve Patterson, Kaden Patterson, Hollie Stirling, Katherine Stronge, Tori Surgeoner and Rachel Wilson.
They were closely followed by a further 23 young people with a minimum of 8 A*/A grades – Brooke Arbuthnot, James Cahoon, Amy Cunningham, Esther Davison, Daniel Elliott, Katie Glass, Luke Gregg, Ailsa Hamill, Sarah Holland, Rachel Kennedy, Sophie Kennedy, Andrew Lawther, Jacob Loughridge, Emma McGahey, James McLean, Maria Olteanu, Grace Reid, Alice Rodgers, Hope Snoddy, William Snowden, Katie Stevenson, Rebekah Strahan and Hannah Wylie.
Finally, 16 pupils obtained a minimum of 7 A*/A grades – Harry Andrews, Peter Armstrong, Corey Clail, Odhran Cosgrove, Taylor Crabbe, Joshua Drain, Robert Greer, Jack Guild, Adam Lamont, Kerry Laverty, Richard Mallon, Emma Mark, Nigel Moore, Daniel Pyper, James Ross and Victoria Turtle.
S.W. Black (Principal)