Instrumental and Singing Lessons

We are pleased to be able to restart private instrumental lessons in school from the week beginning the 7th of September. One of the things which has become apparent over lockdown is the value of music and creativity to mental health and well-being, and this is the first step we hope to make towards reinstating co-curricular opportunities in music.
Pupils continuing with lessons or wishing to take up lessons for the first time should complete the form sent out to all parents/guardians by parentmail and return it ASAP to the box labelled Music Instrumental Lessons, outside the main school office.
Lessons are available in Piano, Singing, Strings, Woodwind (including Saxophone), Guitar (Acoustic, Electric and Bass) and Drumkit. Please note our Brass lessons are provided by the EA Music Service who are not recommencing lessons until the end of September. A separate Brass lesson application will be forwarded in due course.
Information concerning our Covid precautions and guidelines for Music lessons are also attached to the email, and we would ask all those taking lessons, and their parents/guardians, to read through these. All Music forms will also be available for download on the school website.
If you have any queries please contact Mr Thompson (Instrumental Tuition Coordinator) or Mrs Church (Head of Music) by phoning the Main School Office and you will be contacted at the earliest opportunity.
Mrs Church
Head of Music
Mr Thompson
Instrumental Tuition Coordinator
Music lesson terms and guidelines 2020
Music lessons 2020 application