#IWill Week – Day 3

Lucy McCormill – I currently volunteer with Girls’ Brigade, and in the past I have done with various youth schemes, including the Superstars Scheme for disabled children, Spark and going to South Africa as part of a mission team.
I have attended GB for 11 years, and I am currently continuing my service as a sub-officer. I work closely with girls between the ages of 15 and 17, encouraging them to get involved with the GB programme which often includes craft, games and music. I also take on a teaching role, in assisting with scripture classes. My other volunteering experience has required me to work closely with children as someone in a position of leadership, which has bred responsibility, resilience and reliability in my character.
Volunteering allows me to gain experience across a broad range of areas, working with both children and adults. Being able to give back to my community is important to me, as I enjoy helping others whilst challenging myself and it provides me with a sense of accomplishment. I have learned that the more you give, the better you feel and volunteering has really helped me to develop good social skills.
Amy Turner – Girls’ Brigade, Boys’ Brigade, Exodus team, Spark, CU committee, Charity committee, High Kirk Playgroup, Sunday School
As a sub-officer in GB I plan and carry out activities such as reading stories, helping with crafts and playing games with the girls. I also have a similar role within BB. I went to Romania on an Exodus team where I spent 10 days with underprivileged children running a Kids’ Club in the morning, teaching English and doing practical work around the village. Spark enabled me to help our own community by doing some practical work and kids’ clubs. I am secretary on the Ballymena Academy CU committee and vice-chairperson on the charity committee so I have administrative roles. I spent some time in a local playgroup on placement with the children spending time interacting and playing with them. I even got the opportunity to teach some lessons.
I love being able to interact with people around me and to do something that is going to benefit others and give back to the community. I have learnt than anything, no matter how big or how small, is always appreciated.
Amanda Robinson – St John Ambulance, Glenarm Youth Club, Ballymena Academy
Within St John Ambulance I learn first aid and participate in duties supervising at events and administering first aid to the public if required. At Glenarm Youth Club I organise and oversee activities for the children and help serve at the tuck shop. The Youth Club also help care for the local area through tasks including painting over graffiti and watering flowers. Within school I volunteer as a Digital Leader, Prefect and Year 8 Peer Mentor. These roles involve helping younger pupils and responding to any worries they have. I have also volunteered at a summer scheme for children with disabilities. I was assigned a child to look after and completed many sensory and creative activities with him – this has been the highlight of my volunteering so far as I found it very rewarding.
I began volunteering as I wanted to help others and give back to my local community. I enjoy volunteering as I find it very rewarding and have gained many invaluable skills which are useful for life beyond school including organisation, time management and communication. I would highly recommend for everyone to take part in volunteering as it gives you an opportunity to have a positive impact on others and see the benefit first hand.