Junior CU Weekend – 2022

I think, speaking for all the Seniors, we feel extremely privileged to have been able to go on the weekend
and spend time with the juniors, getting involved in all the activities and especially getting to know some of
the juniors even better as brothers and sisters in Christ, not only helping them grow in their faith, but also
learning a lot from them too.
We all had various roles to play during our time at Castlewellan, in more ways
than one. While we were involved in praise and small groups, we also took part in dressing up for activities
such as the maze and the murder mystery, with David enjoying playing the part of Sammy the murderous
sumo wrestler.
As a group, I think one of the most special parts of the weekend was hearing the poem
some year 8 girls created after hearing Elaine Henderson speak about removing the labels placed upon us
by society, our friends and even ourselves. All in all, we felt God’s presence throughout the weekend and
felt extremely blessed to have been part of it, thankful that we had the opportunity to share our faith
further. It is our prayer that we have encouraged the juniors to shine their light for God in all that they do.
During the weekend Rachel took part in the praise team. She said: “Although I really enjoyed dressing up as
a koala in the maze hiding from the juniors, my favourite part of the weekend was playing the guitar as
part of the praise team.
I hope the juniors enjoyed the worship as much as I did!”
From Mary Poppins to Major Mary Magee to the pianist of the praise team, Lucy did it all, playing
numerous different roles on the weekend. “I enjoyed leading worship and getting to spend time with the
juniors. I hope I was able to encourage them in their faith!”
Daniel brought a lot of banter to the weekend, creating lots of inside jokes as well as very kindly offering to
play the dead minister in the murder mystery. “I really enjoyed my experience at the junior CU weekend
and the opportunity to serve God through it. I feel like I have learned a lot from both the talks and the
young people. I am grateful I have had the chance to get to know more about God from a different
Olivia was our lead singer throughout the weekend and did an amazing job! “I loved sharing my weekend
and faith with the juniors! What a privilege!”
On the weekend David was our personal waiter as well as a truly amazing role model to both the juniors
and us as well. “I really enjoyed spending time studying the Bible with my small group. I also enjoyed being
chased around the maze like a madman! However, a memorable highlight has to be dressing up as Sammy
the sumo wrestler!”
Chloe, with the help of Mrs Lyons, orchestrated the murder mystery and dressed up as an electrician in the
maze. "I really enjoyed the opportunity to share my faith with the juniors, especially in small groups. I feel
like the weekend was an amazing way to get to know the juniors better and grow in our faith together. I
know the juniors seem to have loved the night walk around the lake, but as I may be sacred of the dark, for
me, the highlight has to be the quiz, hosted by Mrs Matchett on the Friday night!”
Poem by the Year 8 girls:
I am not worthless,
I have a purpose.
I’m not the same,
I am unique.
I’m not undecided,
My life has been planned.
I’m not alone,
I always have Jesus.
I’m not perfect,
My God will forgive me.
I’m not abandoned,
I am loved.
I’m not ignored,
I am heard.
I’m not hidden,
I am seen.
I’m not ordinary,
I am special.
I’m not plain,
I’m beautiful.
I may not be ideal,
But I’m made in His image.
I am a sinner,
But Jesus has set me free.
– By Leah, Lucy, Brooke and Abigail
“My favourite part was the late night walk” – Cherith Gordon Y10
“The food was amazing” – Jessica Alexander Y10
“My favourite part of the weekend was listening to Elaine talk about her story and her background” – Harry
Stirling Y8