Press Release – GCE ‘A’ Level and ‘AS’ Levels 2024

The Principal, Stephen Black, congratulated all of the pupils on their achievements, marking the culmination of hard- work over the past year. With Examination Boards seeking to return grade outcomes to pre-pandemic standards, results across N.I. are considerably lower than in 2023 but results in the Academy have remained high and the overall outcomes compare more than favourably to results prior to the pandemic, with the percentage of pupils attaining 3 A* – C grades being the highest achieved within the school in a “normal” year. The excellent grades attained bear witness to the resilience, hard-work and ability of our pupils and the commitment of our staff to bring the best out of our young people.
Despite the reduction in A* and A grades nationally, almost 50% of the grades obtained at ‘A’ Level were A* or A grades and well over a quarter of the year group achieved a minimum of 3 A* or A grades, with a number gaining A* in all their subjects. Notably, over two-thirds of the year group achieved at least one A grade with the number of A* grades being well above national averages. These levels of achievement consolidate the Academy’s reputation for academic excellence as one of Northern Ireland’s top performing schools.
Mr. Black added that above all else this was a day for celebration for pupils and parents. He congratulated all the young people on their achievements; thanked parents for the considerable part which they had played in supporting such success over the past seven years and applauded the school’s teaching and support staff, without whose expertise, commitment and willingness to go the extra mile, these excellent outcomes could not have been achieved. He praised the staff who have worked incredibly hard to ensure that students receive high quality education which prepares them for higher education and for life beyond school.
While much of the focus will be on ‘A’ level results, the excellent results obtained at ‘AS’ level also bode well for future achievement. From a whole-school perspective it is very encouraging to note the levels of achievement across the school curriculum with almost all subjects in excess of N.I. Grammar School averages at ‘A’ level. A great deal of hard work and planning has been invested in such success and the results demonstrate that the school continues to promote very high standards of learning and achievement across the curriculum.
While the results are pleasing in themselves, more importantly they are permitting the young people to gain entry to their chosen pathways on the next stage of their education. It is pleasing that, once again, despite the reduction in A* and A grades in N.I., young people have gained access to a wide range of courses with many attaining much sought after places at the U.K.’s leading universities. On ‘results day’, our careers staff are available to provide expert guidance on any issues which may arise, advice which is much appreciated by pupils and their parents. Our focus at this time is always on helping young people, through our post-results service, that approach proves valuable at this time.
It is especially pleasing in this technological age, when they can access results and check university applications on-line, that our students still come into school to be with their friends and teachers. It is a real privilege to share that experience with our inspiring and talented young people and to sense the strength of this learning community, particularly the culture of achievement and support which is characteristic of every good school.
Top achievers at ‘A’ level were as follows:-
One pupil attained 4 A* grades – Scarlett McCutcheon.
Five pupils attained 4 A*/A grades – Arthur Church, Tom Coulter, Leah Kenny, Annabel O’Hara, Samuel Wainwright.
Three pupils attained 3 A* grades – Henry Casson, Zara Kernohan, Vanesa Musat.
A further 33 pupils obtained a minimum of 3 A*/A grades – Emma Bonnar, Leah Boyd, Ellie Bradley, Stevie Bristow, Susie Brown, Tommy Chambers, Anna Coid, Eilidh Craig, Erin Donaghy, Marian Farquhar, Deon Fleming, Cathy Gilmore, Rebekah Gordon, Daniel Gribben, Daniel Hayburn, Callum Irvine, Sarah Jackson, Eva Kelly, Lennox Kirkpatrick, Kate McCluney, Molly McDermott, James McIlroy, Sean McKay, Michael McLean, Lucas McWilliams, Amy Millar, Zoe Murdock, Philip Speers, Mani Treon, Ellie Anna Wilson, Jorja Wilson, Lydia Wilson, Thomas Wylie.