Year 14 Leadership Teams
- Peer Mentors
- Learning Mentors
- Pupil Self-Management Team
- Marketing Team
- Careers Team
- Health Education Team
- Event Support Team
- Co-Curricular Team
- Anti-bullying Team
- Environmental Team
- E-Safety Team
Peer Mentors
Mentors work with individual registration groups supporting the pupils and teacher in a number of ways:
- Delivery of tutor group programme
- Organisation of form assemblies
- Meeting with pupils prior to registration
- Getting to know the pupils and providing support for pupils when appropriate
- Acting as a positive role model and point of contact for pupils
Learning Mentors
Mentors help support pupils in areas of their learning in which they need some guidance or may find a significant challenge:
- One- to-one coaching in literacy and numeracy skills
- Group work support in the classroom
- Helping with homework or revision classes
- Providing Learning Support to specific GCSE students in one of their A2 subjects
- Supporting the development of learning and teaching in the school
Peer Self-Management Team
Assistants would work closely with the teachers who are responsible for pupil self – management, in the areas of lost property, lockers and developing pupils’ organisational skills:
- Supporting pupils to self-manage their personal possessions in locker areas
- Helping to manage lost property
- Speaking to pupils in tutor groups or assemblies on self-management related issues
- Working with individual pupils who need support in their personal organisation
The Marketing Team
Marketers will work closely with staff who are responsible for managing the school shop and liaising with sponsors:
- Will work with current and potential school sponsors;
- Plan and manage sponsors’ visits to school;
- Process and distribute kit items bought through our online shop.
- Undertake a review of the online shop’s layout and update the photos used to promote items.
Careers Team
Careers Champions will help to support staff who are working with guidance and support in the Careers Department:
- Put posters up in Careers Room and Sixth Form Centre – throughout the year
- Organise pupil folders into class sets – September
- Speak to Year 10 pupils about choosing GCSE subjects – January or June
- Speak to Year 12 pupils about choosing post – GCSE options – March
- Meet and greet/ make tea at school Careers Convention and other events – February and possibly on other occasions
- Speak to any visitors to the school about CEIAG – when appropriate
- Provide feedback on Careers programme at end of year
Health Education Promotion Team
Members of the team will form part of a team who would promote health education in school in a variety of ways such as:
- Assist in organisation of health events – vaccinations etc.
- Deliver presentations in assemblies on specific health related topics
- Contribute to health bulletins in correspondence with parents
- Help in the development and use of resources to promote positive health choices which support pupil wellbeing
Events Team
Members would form part of a team who would be utilised to help set up for some of the special events which are organised within the school:
- Practical tasks setting up venues for special events
- Organisation of displays and noticeboards in school
- Help with catering arrangements at events
Co-Curricular Promotion Team
- Members would form part of a team who would promote co-curricular activities in school. They would be expected to help in the following ways:
- Help to prepare for co-curricular events in school • Give presentations in assembly promoting different aspects of co-curricular activities • Liaise with staff and pupils about different activities • Time commitment: Irregular, depending on the specific events which are being organised.
Anti – bullying Ambassadors
Members would form part of a team who would have a chance to support the delivery of key anti-bullying messages throughout the school:
- Team members would be able to liaise with staff to continue to develop the school’s anti-bullying culture.
- Delivery in assemblies on themes of anti-bullying
- Creation of resources to support to reinforcement of anti-bullying messages
- Help with delivery of related workshops
Environmental team
Members would form part of a team who would promote environmental issues in school. They would be expected to help in the following ways:
- Deliver presentations in assembly on specific environmental issues related to the school.
- Work with staff to develop the school’s approaches to dealing with the environment.
- Help with promotion of initiatives which promote a positive impact on our shared global environment.
E-Safety Team
Members would form part of a team who would promote e-safety education in school. They would be expected to help in the following ways:
- Deliver presentations in assemblies on e-safety.
- Work with staff to promote school approaches to e-safety.
- Undertake training as Digital Mentors
- Development of appropriate resources which are accessible by pupils and parents to help educate about e-safety related issues
Other Leadership Development Opportunities
Prefects are elected by staff and peers, being recognised for;
- Exhibiting high standards of behaviour and appearance
- Co-operation with staff and pupils
- Contribution to the School Community
and are expected to have the following qualities;
- Reliability
- Initiative
- Leadership
- Consideration for others