Swipe ‘n’ Bite is a service provided by Ballymena Academy which is considered to be an important part of the school’s life. It offers a healthy variety of food and drinks to support the children’s nutritional needs.

Swipe ‘n’ Bite aims to:
- Provide a healthy variety of food and drinks
- Support classroom teaching on nutrition and health
- Encourage development of good choices and good eating habits
- Provide a friendly environment
- Provide special dietary needs for some students, i.e. Gluten Free, Nut Allergies, etc.
- Ensure high standards of food safety and hygiene in preparing and storing of food
- Support parents/guardians in their responsibility for the nutritional and dietary needs of their children.
Healthy Breakfast and Break Scheme
We continue to offer pupils in Years 8 – 12 the opportunity to purchase food/drinks in the Dining Hall at both Breakfast and Break time. As a school we believe that your son/daughter will benefit significantly from the healthy Breakfast and Break scheme as this will:-
encourage them to achieve the recommended ‘five a day’ target for fruit and vegetables;
foster healthier eating and drinking habits;
provide them with a useful source of energy and refreshment during the busy school day;
increase the variety of healthier food and drinks available.
We hope that you, as parents/guardians, will recognise how Ballymena Academy strives to take the health of its pupils seriously. Therefore, we are requesting your help in encouraging your son/daughter to support both initiatives, as regular use of the facility is necessary to guarantee its success.
Show respect for others in the Dining Hall by:
- Following instructions from canteen and supervisory staff.
- Lining up in an orderly fashion and waiting your turn.
- Keeping noise to an acceptable level.
- Always showing good table manners.
- Keeping your table clean, tidying up after you have finished eating and pushing in your chair.
Please also ensure that you:
- Have sufficient funds in your account.
- Only make purchases for yourself.
- Dispose of dishes and rubbish in the designated / appropriate places.
We hope you enjoy the Swipe ‘n’ Bite and make sensible food choices when using this facility.
The Dining Hall is for everyone’s use, so take pride in your Swipe ‘n’ Bite.