Ballymena Academy’s Class of ’79 celebrate their 40th Reunion

Ballymena Academy’s Class of ’79 celebrated their 40th Reunion at Eaton Park on Friday 8th November 2019. 65 members of the year group attended what turned out to be a brilliant night of fun, food and friendship. Many had travelled from England, Scotland, and Dublin, with Susheel Surpal travelling the furthest from Paris to catch up with his old classmates.
After introductory speeches from Ann Laughlin and Ian Kerr, everyone was served a delicious buffet meal by Jane’s Kitchen. All the ‘79ers agreed that this had been the best reunion so far. Many old school photos and memorabilia were on display and everyone had their own name badge complete with photo from the 1979 senior school photo. So many past pupils are apprehensive about attending reunions but once they pluck up the courage to go they continue to keep in contact through Facebook and What’s App. Plans are now in place for our next one which may or may not take place in Paris!